Steel Coatings Articles

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CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Epoxy Paste Protects Perimeter of Colombian Oil Tank

When the perimeter of two welding rings on Ecopetrol’s naphtha storage tank in Colombia showed metal loss, an eight-person coatings crew from nearby Imantt Solutions applied a high-strength epoxy paste to combat the corrosion.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Steel Tank Touchup 30 Years in the Making

It’s not every day that a contractor can say they worked on a project that they’d initially coated some 30 years before, but that's what happened on this job at an industrial steel tank in Iowa. It was time to bring the tank’s system to the 21st century.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Repainting of WWII-Era Radio Towers

LORAN towers have a history that reaches back to the early days of radio navigation. Five of these landmarks got a fresh coat of aviation orange and white in 2018, thanks to a team of painters who do all their painting while suspended by rope.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Tough as Steel: Korean Plant Protected by Coating System

For multinational steel manufacturer POSCO, corrosion can be an occupational hazard. Because steel mills require sufficient raw materials to produce, they are often located near marine terminals — where both raw material and finished product can be easily shipped.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Pipe Protection Crosses Canal

The Erie Canal stretches from Niagara Falls off Lake Erie about 363 miles (584.2 km) east to the Hudson River, outside Albany, New York. For a major gas and electric utility company in upstate New York, adding a new carbon steel pipe to the three existing lines required crossing the canal.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Coating a London Waste Barge: A Snapshot

A new barge needed to be prepped and coated by EPIC Painting Ltd. before it could transport non-recyclable waste down the Thames River in London. The article was originally published in the inaugural Maritime News issue. Get a quick snapshot here!

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Hot, Hot, Hot: Insulating the Inside of a Digester Complex

Condensation and corrosion can spell disaster for any component of a wastewater treatment plant, especially the digester complex, an area of the facility where a network of pipes and tanks has materials flowing through it at temperatures of 110 to 120 °F.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Inspection Tools Throughout the Years

The coatings industry continues to evolve, and along with it come changes to inspection tools throughout the years. These are a few of the tools that were mentioned in the Industry Insight article written by Randy Glover, President and Owner of O.T.B. Technologies LLC, in the November 2018 issue of CoatingsPro Magazine