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CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Why AMPP Introduced New Industrial Coating Application Training

AMPP’s newly released Industrial Coating Application (ICA) training program offers a flexible and comprehensive solution for training industrial sprayers and abrasive blasters. It is designed to attract and train those new to the workforce or provide needed training to experienced individuals seeking to gain industry-recognized credentials.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Surefooted Secrets: A Guide to Non-Skid Surfaces on Navy Ships

In a new webcast, Johnny M. Sanchez, president of Prime Time Coatings, Inc., provides an overview of AMPP’s upcoming book, Non-Skid Basics: A Contractor’s Guide for Military Applications. Sanchez explains the contractor’s perspective for using non-slip deck coatings — or rapid-curing, slip-resistant coating systems — for military use.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Exploring the Wondrous World of Steel

Steel is among the more common substrates a coatings contractor works with, whether its for commercial or industrial projects. As such, the challenges that come with maintaining steel and preventing corrosion, as daunting as they may be, are well known within the industry.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Never Again: Dealing With the CUI Phenomenon

In this case study, significant corrosion was observed on lines supplying air handling units and swimming pools at a Dubai hotel. According to the client, the chilled water application system was installed three years prior and initially handled by a maintenance contractor before being handed over to the asset owner.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Flexible Approach Restores Texas Water Pump Station

When Corrosion Control Resources, Inc. arrived to refurbish a water pump station near Dallas, they initially expected to hand blast with coal slag before applying new coatings. However, they changed course after unexpectedly discovering the pipe was lined with coal tar enamel, rather than epoxy.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

How Needs Are Evolving for Coatings Inspectors

Michael Beamish, vice president and general manager at DeFelsko Corp., shares feedback he’s heard from coatings inspectors about their jobsite challenges in the field. In 2023, many of these challenges involve the need for boosting speed and reporting efficiency.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Cold-Bonding Technology Restores Big Thailand Pipeline

Utilizing unique cold-bonding technology, a large-scale pipeline restoration project was recently completed in Thailand. Based on a solvent-free epoxy resin reinforced with silicon steel alloy, the two-part repair composite is ideal for metal repair and resurfacing.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Newly Approved Epoxy Lining Protects Texas Water Tanks

Maguire recently partnered with Sherwin-Williams to recoat the interior of an elevated water storage tank in Hitchcock, Texas. This project was the first time in which the newly NSF 61/600-approved Sherplate 600 potable water epoxy coating was applied since its certification for use on water storage tanks.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Panamanian Shipyard Upgrades Are Making a Global Impact

To achieve long-term success, the Panama Maritime Authority needed an operator with world-class shipyard expertise and advanced cultural knowledge, as well as a thorough knowledge of industry standards and best practices.