Floors Articles

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Working Out a Gym’s Epoxy Floor

For many, working out at the gym usually results in being in better shape or higher fitness, but for the four- to six-person crew from Abbruzzese Floors Inc., they got something special out of their gym membership: a coatings job.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Salty Coatings Crew Fixes Navy Floor

A hot summer, a poor concrete pour, and a building with no electricity. This could have added up to the makings of a failed mission, but with an experienced crew and adaptable materials, the new epoxy floor at a naval base didn’t go awry.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Offering Epoxy to the Homeowner

The uses of epoxy are as wide and various as an understanding of its chemical properties. It is often used in the commercial and industrial sectors, but an often overlooked area of growth is the residential sector.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Rush Order: Bay Area Café Orders up Urethane-Coated Floor

Nearly 40 years of operation and exposure to food contaminants took quite a toll on the kitchen’s original floor. The owner wanted a new floor, rebuilt with marine-grade plywood and protected with waterproofing coatings but with downtime kept to a minimum.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Coatings X-Men Achieve Zoo Floor Reno

Before visitors could buy tickets to the new display, though, the Patterson-Stevens crew needed to deal with unexpected moisture in the concrete slab. Polar bears may prefer rivers but coatings contractors surely do not!

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Hungry for Change on Food Facility Floor

It would take a coatings crew that was just as confident to take the nearly bare concrete and turn it into a beefy urethane floor with all the fixins.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Floors Tamed for Skeptical Vet

Second chances don’t come around very often, so when they do it’s important to make them count. That’s the mentality that Evan Tarabocchia and his crew at Imperial Flooring Systems, Inc. took with a recent renovation at a veterinary hospital in New Jersey.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Coating Failure or Client Flop?

Our procedure under these conditions is to pin the garage above the threshold to minimize contaminate blow-in on a calm day. We then tidied up and departed the site, leaving instructions with the owner to keep vehicles off the floor for three days

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Power Plant Leaks Are Dust in the Wind

At the Ameren Missouri coal-power plant, the areas that are used to convey coal into furnaces, called tripper rooms, were fraught by a cloud covering. The facility owners at this plant needed to do something about it.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Green Light for Car Barn Floor

For the owner of specialty cars in Western Pennsylvania, who wishes to remain unnamed, a barn is used to house his collection — one that perhaps even Jay Leno would be proud of.