Industrial Application Articles

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

A Turning Point in a Turnaround of a Crude Oil Desalter

The organic lining at a crude oil desalter in Kazakhstan was unable to withstand the aggressive environment. A new system — and new considerations — had to be implemented for future success.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Meat Processing Facility Rehab

A sausage processing facility was showing signs of deterioration, corrosion, and bacteria growth on its ceilings and within its coolers. This coatings contractor battled cold temperatures to apply a long-lasting coatings solution with minimal downtime.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Waterproofing the New Glassell School of Art Campus

A new art school in Houston, Texas, required several different types of waterproofing. A local crew worked carefully — even artfully — with other trades to help seal the school’s walkable green roof, parking garage, plaza, and much more

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Fully Contained: Newly Coated Tank Protection at Chemical Plant

When Eastman Chemical opted for a new urethane coating system on tanks at the front of its flagship plant in Tennessee, not just any applicator could do. The client needed expertise in access, aesthetics, and containment for removal of the prior lead-based coating.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Vivarium Floor Calls for Complex Coatings

The newly built vivarium at the University of California, Riverside required a seamless, non-slip floor that would be resistant to chemicals, organic and inorganic materials, and much more. A contractor and coatings manufacturer teamed up to deliver the solution.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Restoring Seattle’s Historic Aurora Bridge

Factoring in areas that needed steel repair, officials with Liberty Maintenance knew the historic bridge should have been recoated years ago. But thanks to the hard work of an innovative crew, the overdue job was completed with time to spare.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine
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PermaClean 100: A Proven Track Record

When an iconic 7.5 million-gallon standpipe in downtown Lancaster, PA began to show signs of corrosion, Induron Sales Representative Tex Enoch was once again asked to provide a coatings recommendation.