Bridge Articles

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Keeping It Clean: Spraying Foam on the Roof of a Laundry Facility

After 20 years of service, the Laundry Care Express facility in San Jose, Calif., had fallen into some wear-and-tear issues. There were minor leaks that needed to be repaired, and a coated spray polyurethane foam (SPF) roof installation was the best solution for the built-up roof.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Improving Concrete Prep Productivity on Large-Scale Projects

People need to travel every day, so how can asset owners effectively repair infrastructure without disrupting daily life? Tom Dunn, vice president of sales at National Flooring Equipment, explores the role of surface preparation in large outdoor applications.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

NTSB Warns U.S. Bridge Owners of Uncoated, Weathering Steel

As an investigation continues into the Fern Hollow Bridge collapse in Pittsburgh, Pa., the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is asking authorities to review inspection reports and identify incomplete follow-up actions for bridges made of uncoated weathering steel.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Strategies to Inspect Thermal Spray Zinc Metalizing

To ensure continued coating performance in harsh environments, it is necessary to properly inspect the thermal spray metalizing. Bernardo Duran of the International Zinc Association offers insight on appropriate strategies and considerations.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Coating Removal by Heat Induction

Businesses are looking for environmentally friendly methods of surface preparation. This article discusses the use of heat induction as a method of removing various coatings on steel substrates.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Restoring Seattle’s Historic Aurora Bridge

Factoring in areas that needed steel repair, officials with Liberty Maintenance knew the historic bridge should have been recoated years ago. But thanks to the hard work of an innovative crew, the overdue job was completed with time to spare.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

The Case of the Delaminating Red Lead Primer

When the new topcoat on a bridge’s primer started to delaminate, the asset owner laid blame on the contractor. But could it have been caused by something else?

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Tips for Securing an Early Completion Bonus

Get five tips on how to help ensure that you’ll be getting your completion bonuses on bridge projects — new and rehab

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine
Sponsored Content

What Does It Take to Protect North America’s Infrastructure? IUPAT

North America relies on infrastructure. And infrastructure relies on International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) industrial painters and coating application specialists, and the companies that employ them, for long-lasting protection that can add 100 years to the lifespan of bridges alone.