

These podcasts are part of the new CoatingsPro Interview Series, launched in July 2020. In this series, CoatingsPro Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Chizik and News Editor Ben DuBose chat with industry experts and thought leaders to provide tips on how industrial and commercial coatings contractors can improve their bottom line. Check back for regular updates!

Editor's note: Earlier podcasts from CoatingsPro's COVID-19 Interview Series, which ran from March 2020 through June 2020, are available here.

Marketing Tips for Coatings Contractors

Jon Franko, thinker and founder at Gorilla76, works in the marketing realm with mid-sized industrial manufacturers. In this episode, he gives us an overview of the different types of marketing available for B2B and B2C companies and shares tips on options that might be useful for contractors today. His company has also started working toward a more diverse and inclusive team, and he shares a bit of his experience here. (Complete Transcript)

For more information on their company and resources, as well as their own podcast, visit: www.gorilla76.com

Why Seamless Flooring Is Expanding in 2020

Heather O'Brien, President of Easycove, joins the CoatingsPro Interview Series to discuss the growing market in 2020 for seamless flooring and the importance of coving for clients and contractors. With hygiene a primary consideration during COVID-19, the Easycove executive explains how cove base can be a part of the solution.

O'Brien also explores market trends and challenges in 2020, as well as some potential strategies to adapt to the changing marketplace. (Complete Transcript)

For more information, contact: Easycove, www.easycove.com

Shining a Light on Mental Health in Construction

Stuart Binstock, president and CEO of the Construction Financial Management Association, discusses the association’s Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is the number one cause of fatalities in the construction industry. Additionally, construction has the highest number of suicides compared to other groups.

Now more than ever, mental health is a concern for construction. CIASP’s goal is to create a zero-suicide industry, and, in this episode, Stuart discusses with CoatingsPro how suicide can affect our industry and what resources are available to help those in need — from coworkers and peers themselves to family members dealing with a loved one who has committed suicide.
(Complete Transcript)

For more information, contact: CIASP, www.preventconstructionsuicide.com

Making Coatings Tools More User Intuitive

Ryan Miller, director of the coatings tools division at Seymour Midwest, explains how and why tool providers are working to make their products more user intuitive for coatings applicators. In the interview, Miller also offers perspective on how select segments of the coatings industry have fared during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as what could be ahead for coatings contractors in the remainder of 2020 and beyond.
(Complete Transcript)

For more information, contact; Seymour Midwest, www.seymourmidwest.com 

How to Engage Your Employees

Lisa Ryan, Certified Speaking Professional and Chief Appreciation Strategist at Grategy, is changing the conversation around company culture and employee engagement in the construction industry. In our podcast, she shares tips and tricks about using technology, recognizing your employees, and more, which you can start putting to action today. For more information, contact Lisa Ryan at lisaryanspeaks.com.

(Complete Transcript)

How to Hire the Right Employees

Mel Kleiman, founder and president of Humetrics, offers his unique and experienced perspective on how to hire and retain good employees. Founded in 1976, Humetrics strives to help employers reassess and reinvent the way they recruit, select, and retain frontline hourly employees and the people who manage them.

How important is experience? How often should you be interviewing? What should you look for in future employees? All of this — and more! — are discussed in this episode.
(Complete Transcript)

More resources from Mel are available on CoatingsPro’s website:  

Questions You Need to Ask Every Valued Employee

Job Opening: “Experience Needed.” Really?