Industry News

CRW Consulting & Distribution Announces Nathan Poche’ as Director of Global Operations

CRW Consulting & Distribution is excited to announce Nathan Poche’ as our Director of Global Operations. He comes to CRW with 30 years of global experience in multiple oil and gas industry sectors. Poché has a vast knowledge base ranging from upstream to downstream operations, construction, and management. He has worked globally onshore and offshore while leading elite drilling, engineering, completion, production, and executive teams.

Poché has a proven track record of cutting costs, driving up revenue, building solid relationships between service and operations, integrating new technology with existing infrastructure, and handling high-risk situations with quick problem solving and strategic management.

Poché's hands-on approach to operations weaved with his focus on customer relationships brings a strategic dynamic to our growing team. His deep understanding of industrial operations allows him to provide incredible insight into customer needs. His skill set enables us to offer more than revolutionary rust removal, metal surface preparation products; you gain valuable solutions from our team of esteemed experts you can't get anywhere else.

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