How to Protect Employees From Aggressive Behavior at Work By Gary Sheely, Associate and Tactical Confrontation Specialist at the Safety Institute At a recent workshop with about 250 attendees representing approximately 190 organizations, I performed an informal survey. I asked for a show of hands from those whose workplace had a written anti-bullying policy. Less than half of those in attendance raised their hands. I did the same for a workplace anti-violence policy. The response was better than half but still less than two-thirds.
Abusive Supervision and Workplace Violence By Gary Sheely, Tactical Confrontation Specialist at Safety Institute When workplace violence takes place, it’s often at the confluence of multiple factors that have created a perfect storm. One of the most important common denominators in violent workplace incidents is an abusive supervisory style.
6 Truths About Workplace Violence By Gary Sheely Knowledge is power. False knowledge exposes everyone to risk. This is especially true when evaluating your workplace for the risk of workplace violence.
6 Risky Misconceptions About Workplace Violence By Gary Sheely, Tactical Confrontation Specialist at the Safety Institute Knowledge is power. False knowledge exposes everyone to risk. This is especially true when evaluating your workplace for the risk of workplace violence.
Greatest Hits: Why Respirators Matter and How to Pick Them By Ben DuBose The application of coatings inherently includes personal safety risks. Contractors often encounter jobsites with dusty and/or vaporous conditions, and without proper protection, excessive exposure can result in a number of problems.
Improving Your Toolbox Talks: 5 Tips By Andrew Faulkner, Communications and Content Manager at SafeStart Toolbox talks can be an important part of your safety arsenal. Here are five tips to help make your next one even better!
Hearing Safety By Tom Buske, Vice President of Product and Branding at ToughTested Exposure to environmental noise is one of the leading causes of hearing loss throughout the world. Every day we are flooded with transport, industrial, and recreational noises.
Greatest Hits: Personal Fall Protection Developments By Ben DuBose Fall protection has long been a focal point for industries that have people working at height, with coatings contractors chief among them. This year, fall protection moved from an emphasis to a defined mandate.
CoatingsPro's Greatest Hits: High-Pressure Injection Injuries By Ben DuBose Contractors should respond to high-pressure injection injuries as if they were shot with a liquid bullet — and to avoid dire consequences, such as amputation, time is of the essence.
Working Safely With Epoxy Coatings By Ben DuBose Coatings applicators need to understand the potential risks of using epoxy products and know how to safely handle and apply these systems.