12 Elements of a Great Leader By Dr. Kevin Coughlin, DMD, MBA, MAGD All great leaders have several factors in common. Consider these 12 factors when looking for leaders within your company or if you’re hoping to become one yourself.
Keys to a Successful Professional Mentorship By Lei Wang, Adventurer, Motivational Speaker, and Author The key to crafting a successful relationship with a mentor is to look outside the box and identify individuals who can offer the best professional guidance.
How a DMS Helps Construction Businesses Go Green By Jesse Wood, CEO of eFileCabinet Document management systems (DMS) help construction businesses go green. While construction is a booming industry, along with many other industries, it has received criticism for not being green enough in the conduct of its business.
Run an Assessment Before Summer’s Busy Season! By Jim Welsh, Outside Sales Rep for Payroll4Construction.com Taking the opportunity now to give your business a self-assessment can help save you the pain of last summer’s busy project season — and the pain of year-end payroll down the line.
Offering Epoxy to the Homeowner By Mark Bekker, Owner of Floormaster The uses of epoxy are as wide and various as an understanding of its chemical properties. It is often used in the commercial and industrial sectors, but an often overlooked area of growth is the residential sector.
How to Make Your Training Stick By Brannon Dreher, Client Engagement Manager at Tortal Training Six months after you trained your home office staff, you discover that right after training, they started applying some of the customer-service strategies you taught them, but have now abandoned them and it’s back to “business as usual.”
Why Training Means a Lot to Millennials By Evan Hackel, CEO of Tortal Training Today, most millennial workers would object strenuously to the same kind of conditions that baby boomers (and members of the generation that preceded them) thought were normal.
Predict-Ability: How Partnering Scorecards Can Dictate a Project’s Success By Sue Dyer, President of OrgMetrics LLC How would you like to be able to predict the level of success — or failure — of your projects? Well, it seems that reality is closer than you might think.
What Should Contractors Look for in a Certified Applicator Network? By Silvia Caputi, Marketing Coordinator for Epoxytec What makes a mutually beneficial program in which manufacturers and contractors both benefit? Here is a list of the top five considerations contractors should contemplate before joining any certification network.
What to Expect From a Coating Inspector By Michael Harkin, President of FeO In many industries, achieving a high-quality result is too important to leave to chance. Moving on is not an option. The stakes are just too high to trust the workmanship to a contract and a handshake.