Business Tips Articles

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CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Stop Leaking Marketing Spend

Marketing is a fundamental part of any successful contractor’s business, but all too often potential customers are getting lost at the last yard. This means that thousands of dollars are left on the table, when there are simple fixes that could bring that customer to the finish line.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Insurance for Small Companies

You are finally making the big step. After 20 or more years in the business, you are hanging out your shingle and starting your new coatings consulting company

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Four Ways to Effectively Attract a Diverse Workforce

Is your team diverse? Do you invest to ensure your team reflects the needs and attitudes of your customers and clients? They need to reflect the communities your employees live, work in, and provide services to.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

The Right Fit Makes the Difference: 10 Steps to Better Hiring

When bad hiring happens, everyone suffers. Finding the right person for a position at your coatings contracting company is part art and part science. While some people certainly have a gift for finding good people, everyone can improve their success rate by following a methodical step-by-step process.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

How to Tell If Your Competitor’s Brand Is Better

Ever spend time thinking about your sales process and ask yourself, “Why is my competitor getting new business and I’m not?” Do you ask this more often than you’d like?

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Prepare for Family Business Quarrels Before They Happen

There’s no such thing as a family business without conflict. If you Google “family business feud,” in less than a second, you’ll get roughly 1.2 million hits. And that of course is the tiniest fraction, which doesn’t include the number of family business disputes that do not show up in the Google search engines.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Managers Become Leaders With a Shift in Focus

Senior leadership at the corporate headquarters of a large retail chain was entertaining succession planning. What started out as an exercise turned into a sweeping new protocol for transitioning managers into leaders.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Millennials to Help Fight the Labor Crisis

Using these tips on reaching millennials, you may be able to make a difference in your coatings company’s labor shortage crisis.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Dealing With Project Conflict on a Jobsite

A project team was separated only by the locked doors to the two trailers that sat side by side on their wastewater treatment project site. Every day for six months, the owner’s team and the contractor’s team filled their days with writing letters. Sending them back and forth, they literally emailed more than 1,200 letters. The purpose of each letter was clear: to prove the other side was to blame.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

5 Things to Do Before Tackling Garage Floor Coatings

Before starting the process of applying a coating system to a garage floor, there are a few items that must be tackled. As a professional floor coating crew, what should you be paying particular attention to?