Roofs Articles

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

ECI and the Spray Foam Band: A Roofing Hit

The original applicator was basically just applying the foam to the surface and not with the intent of allowing the roof to drain properly,” he said. “And so my crew came in and we corrected all of the ponding issues, repaired all of the delaminated foam, and pretty much renewed the roofing system to our standards.”

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Up on the Roof: Four-Building Elastomeric Job

For Trusted Construction Inc., installing new roof coating systems is all in a day’s work. However, when conditions were less than optimal for the application of GAF’s Unisil HS silicone coating, the Trusted Construction crew had to get creative with the schedule to keep the job moving toward an on-time completion.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Cool Roof Project Beats Arizona Heat

While Arizona may be known for its intense sun and scorching temperatures, everything from monsoon rains to gale-force winds can endanger a project at any point from the early application stages to years into a coating’s maturity.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Why Good Weather Is Bad for Roofs

Consider the plight of the commercial building owner with multiple tenants under an aged and failing roof. On a rainy day, the owner waits in fear for the phone to ring from an irate tenant saying that the roof is leaking

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

New York Roof Coating Giants Take the Field

A sense of a team, developed safety culture, and a complex game plan to exceed the customer’s expectations are a few of the highlights. Along with the supporting staff and superintendent, the crew used those highlights from start to finish to achieve a victory on this multi-roof recoat project.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Race to Royalty on Thoroughbreds’ Cool Roof

Cool roofs aren’t necessarily new at this stage in the game, but offering a cool roof as a solution for a customer’s unique and specific problem? That may be a way to jockey into a position for a new project.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Leak-Proof Roof Recoat With Gleaming Results

Is there ever a good use of the word “leak”? No one enjoys a car window, a sink pipe, or even a water glass that leaks. Certainly roofs can be added to that category of things you don’t want to leak in the night.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Rising to the Challenge on a N.C. Rooftop

A water-tight roof deck is one of the most important aspects of facility maintenance, so when Grubb Ventures, owner of an upscale office building in Raleigh, N.C., noticed that the roof was in need of some TLC, they were quick to act.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

All Hail! Recoat of Hail Damaged Roofs in Texas

Roofing contractors in Texas and Oklahoma are accustomed to seeing roofs ravaged by frozen rain. “We work in what is referred to as the ‘Hail Belt.’ That being said, many roofing companies around the country have office sites in Dallas or other major cities in Texas and Oklahoma. Hail damage is a very real concern for building owners and should be dealt with as soon as possible,” said Robert Norrell of Galt Construction.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

High Profile, Winds, and Reflectivity: Green Coatings on New Orleans Airport Roof

When David Lamouranne of GreenStar Roof Coatings landed the job of applying a new coating system to the roof of a private hangar at the New Orleans Airport, he jumped at the opportunity. While he knew the high-profile job would present some very real challenges — high winds, air traffic, and airport safety requirements — he was excited to offer his client, Atlantic Aviation, a new roof that would be green, durable, and reduce energy costs.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Getting Schooled: Recoating School Buildings

The contracting company RoofCARE has branches in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Las Cruces and uses those locations to serve all of New Mexico and West Texas. It also has good working relationships with many New Mexico school districts, including the Floyd Municipal School District...

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Science Behind It: Pie-Shaped Superdome Recoat

Recoating the Superdome’s 450,000 square feet (41,806.4 m²) with 14 crew members required meticulous planning upfront. We had a set amount of time, money, and materials, so our strategy behind the coating really needed to help us stay within the goal posts.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

South Florida Style: Recoating a Town Hall Roof

South Florida is known for its abundant sunshine as well as its intense afternoon rainstorms during the summer months. Put these two weather conditions together with close proximity to the equator, and rooftops can definitely take a beating from Mother Nature.