Epoxy Articles

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Waterproofing the New Glassell School of Art Campus

A new art school in Houston, Texas, required several different types of waterproofing. A local crew worked carefully — even artfully — with other trades to help seal the school’s walkable green roof, parking garage, plaza, and much more

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Vivarium Floor Calls for Complex Coatings

The newly built vivarium at the University of California, Riverside required a seamless, non-slip floor that would be resistant to chemicals, organic and inorganic materials, and much more. A contractor and coatings manufacturer teamed up to deliver the solution.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine
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PermaClean 100: A Proven Track Record

When an iconic 7.5 million-gallon standpipe in downtown Lancaster, PA began to show signs of corrosion, Induron Sales Representative Tex Enoch was once again asked to provide a coatings recommendation.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine
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When an iconic 7.5 million-gallon standpipe in downtown Lancaster, PA began to show signs of corrosion, Induron Sales Representative Tex Enoch was once again asked to provide a coatings recommendation.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine
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When an iconic 7.5 million-gallon standpipe in downtown Lancaster, PA began to show signs of corrosion, Induron Sales Representative Tex Enoch was once again asked to provide a coatings recommendation.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Composite Repair System Preserves Florida Oil Tank

When the plant manager for a Florida oil and gas operating company discovered three holes in a sour crude oil tank, this emergency repair solution allowed the client to avoid total tank replacement.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Haiti Pier Preserved With New Coatings, Dust-Free Prep

After many years, the pier’s original three-coat catalyzed epoxy system with granular anti-slip additives had begun to fail. As a result, the crew at Quality Sandblasting was called on to install a new deck coating system.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Roll On Rock Around the Clock: Resort Gets New Coating

After the contractor performed a sample balcony installation of a two-part epoxy flake system, the resort’s management team was convinced to use it for numerous vacation facilities, starting with Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Flexible Coatings Crew Beats Heat at Australian Steel Plant

The Australian applicator and distributor developed a novel approach when a steel production plant needed a solution to their issues with high temperatures and chemicals, which had taken a toll on many conventional coatings at their facility.

CoatingsPro | Coatings Industry Magazine

Epoxy Paste Protects Perimeter of Colombian Oil Tank

When the perimeter of two welding rings on Ecopetrol’s naphtha storage tank in Colombia showed metal loss, an eight-person coatings crew from nearby Imantt Solutions applied a high-strength epoxy paste to combat the corrosion.